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    Python - Variable Scope

    Python Variable Scope

    A variable in Python is a symbols name to the object in computer's memory. Python works on the concept of namespaces to define the context for various identifiers such as functions, variables etc. A namespace is a collection of symbolic names defined in the current context.

    Python provides the following types of namespaces −

    • Built-in namespace contains built-in functions and built-in exceptions. They are loaded in the memory as soon as Python interpreter is loaded and remain till the interpreter is running.

    • Global namespace contains any names defined in the main program. These names remain in memory till the program is running.

    • Local namespace contains names defined inside a function. They are available till the function is running.

    These namespaces are nested one inside the other. Following diagram shows relationship between namespaces.

    Types Of Namespace

    The life of a certain variable is restricted to the namespace in which it is defined. As a result, it is not possible to access a variable present in the inner namespace from any outer namespace.

    Python globals() Function

    Python's standard library includes a built-in function globals(). It returns a dictionary of symbols currently available in global namespace.

    Run the globals() function directly from the Python prompt.

    >>> globals()
    {'__name__': '__main__', '__doc__': None, '__package__': None, '__loader__': <class '_frozen_importlib.BuiltinImporter'>, '__spec__': None, '__annotations__': {}, '__builtins__': <module 'builtins' (built-in)>}

    It can be seen that the builtins module which contains definitions of all built-in functions and built-in exceptions is loaded.

    Save the following code that contains few variables and a function with few more variables inside it.

    name = 'TutorialsPoint'
    marks = 50
    result = True
    def myfunction():
       a = 10
       b = 20
       return a+b
    print (globals())

    Calling globals() from inside this script returns following dictionary object −

    {'__name__': '__main__', '__doc__': None, '__package__': None, '__loader__': <_frozen_importlib_external.SourceFileLoader object at 0x00000263E7255250>, '__spec__': None, '__annotations__': {}, '__builtins__': <module 'builtins' (built-in)>, '__file__': 'C:\\Users\\user\\examples\\main.py', '__cached__': None, 'name': 'TutorialsPoint', 'marks': 50, 'result': True, 'myfunction': <function myfunction at 0x00000263E72004A0>}

    The global namespace now contains variables in the program and their values and the function object in it (and not the variables in the function).

    Any variable created outside a function can be accessed within any function and so they have global scope. Following is an example to show the usage of global variable in Python:

    x = 5
    y = 10
    def sum():
       sum = x + y
       return sum

    This will produce the following result:


    Python locals() Function

    Python's standard library includes a built-in function locals(). It returns a dictionary of symbols currently available in the local namespace of the function.

    Modify the above script to print dictionary of global and local namespaces from within the function.

    name = 'TutorialsPoint'
    marks = 50
    result = True
    def myfunction():
       a = 10
       b = 20
       c = a+b
       print ("globals():", globals())
       print ("locals():", locals())
       return c

    The output shows that locals() returns a dictionary of variables and their values currently available in the function.

    globals(): {'__name__': '__main__', '__doc__': None, '__package__': None, '__loader__': <_frozen_importlib_external.SourceFileLoader object at 0x00000169AE265250>, '__spec__': None, '__annotations__': {}, '__builtins__': <module 'builtins' (built-in)>, '__file__': 'C:\\Users\\mlath\\examples\\main.py', '__cached__': None, 'name': 'TutorialsPoint', 'marks': 50, 'result': True, 'myfunction': <function myfunction at 0x00000169AE2104A0>}
    locals(): {'a': 10, 'b': 20, 'c': 30}

    Since both globals() and locals functions return dictionary, you can access value of a variable from respective namespace with dictionary get() method or index operator.

    print (globals()['name']) # displays TutorialsPoint
    print (locals().get('a')) # displays 10

    Following is a simple example to show the usage of local variables in Python:

    def sum(x,y):
       sum = x + y
       return sum
    print(sum(5, 10))

    Namespace Conflict in Python

    If a variable of same name is present in global as well as local scope, Python interpreter gives priority to the one in local namespace.

    marks = 50 # this is a global variable
    def myfunction():
       marks = 70 # this is a local variable
       print (marks)
    print (marks) # prints global value

    It will produce the following output


    If you try to manipulate value of a global variable from inside a function, Python raises UnboundLocalError.

    marks = 50 # this is a global variable
    def myfunction():
       marks = marks + 20
       print (marks)
    print (marks) # prints global value

    It will produce the following output

       marks = marks + 20
    UnboundLocalError: cannot access local variable 'marks' where it is not associated with a value

    To modify a global variable, you can either update it with a dictionary syntax, or use the global keyword to refer it before modifying.

    var1 = 50 # this is a global variable
    var2 = 60 # this is a global variable
    def myfunction():
       "Change values of global variables"
       globals()['var1'] = globals()['var1']+10
       global var2
       var2 = var2 + 20
    print ("var1:",var1, "var2:",var2) #shows global variables with changed values

    It will produce the following output

    var1: 60 var2: 80

    Lastly, if you try to access a local variable in global scope, Python raises NameError as the variable in local scope can't be accessed outside it.

    var1 = 50 # this is a global variable
    var2 = 60 # this is a global variable
    def myfunction(x, y):
       total = x+y
       print ("Total is a local variable: ", total)
    myfunction(var1, var2)
    print (total) # This gives NameError

    It will produce the following output −

    Total is a local variable: 110
    Traceback (most recent call last):
       File "C:\Users\user\examples\main.py", line 9, in <module>
       print (total) # This gives NameError
    NameError: name 'total' is not defined