
jQuery dblclick() method:

The dblclick() method is used to trigger a dblclick event or attach a function to execute on double-clicking the element. The event occurs when an element is clicked twice in a very short span of time. It is an inbuilt method in jQuery.


We can either simply use the dblclick() method or can add a function to the dblclick event. The syntax of using the dblclick() method is given as follows -

Trigger the event for the selected elements

Attach a function

The selector in the above syntax is the selected element. The parameter function mentioned in the above syntax is optional. It is a function to execute when the dblclick event occurs. The attached function performs a specific task on double-clicking the element.

Let's see some illustrations of using the dblclick() method.


It is a simple example of using the dblclick() method. Here, on double-clicking the given paragraph with the text Click me, an alert box will be displayed showing some message.

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After the execution of the above code, the output will be -

jQuery dblclick() method

After clicking the text Click me, the output will be -

jQuery dblclick() method


It is another example of the dblclick() method. Here, on double-clicking the paragraph with the text Click me twice, the style and text of the paragraph will get changed.

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After the execution of the above code, the output will be -

jQuery dblclick() method

After clicking the text Click me twice, the output will be -

jQuery dblclick() method