Functional testing

What is collaborative testing?

Testing in a silo is simply less effective. With collaborative testing, you can incorporate the strengths of all members of your team. For true collaborative testing, tests should be easily accessible across your team.

Tests should be easily accessible across your team

Why is collaborative testing so useful?

Testing is a team sport. Level up your testing and save time by delegating the responsibilities of creating, editing, and reviewing tests.

Testing is a team sport

How can Functionize help?

The more the merrier

Functionize is a web-based test automation platform that’s designed for team collaboration. Share your tests with your team. Integrate your tests with your existing tools. With unlimited test creation and unlimited users, you can maximize visibility across your organization.

Functionize helps with localization testing via test cloud located in your region.

Supporting All Enterprise Stakeholders


Innovate faster

Speed up testing with AI - release faster
  • Speed up releases and increase the value from existing teams.
  • Quality enables digital transformation. Gain competitive advantage by delivering innovative projects faster with fewer escaped defects.
  • Maximize ROI and reduce the overall cost of testing while gaining virtual headcount. Functionize allows each tester to do the work of multiple people using machine learning.


Maximize team efficiency

Maximize team efficiency with easy-to-use testing tool
  • People are your most valuable asset. Ensure that your teams are focused on the right activities. Protect your teams against QA churn with a testing platform they will love.
  • Level the playing field so that more people can participate in the testing process, regardless of their ability to code. Integrate with your existing DevOps ecosystem for continuous testing.
  • Kill test debt before it becomes untameable — ensure that time is wisely invested into test automation with robust tests that you can trust.

Manual Testers

Test more in less time

Scale more in less time with cloud testing
  • Overcome barriers to automation with tests that can be created without code, run at-scale in the cloud, with easy-to-understand test results.
  • Maximize your testing expertise and future-proof your career with innovative AI-powered testing.
  • Reduce stress and improve your emotional well-being by testing more in less time.

Test Engineers

Free up from grunt work

Free up from grunt work - focus on higher value activities
  • Speed up test creation and maintenance with automated tests that break less often due to machine learning.
  • Reduce the noise when reviewing test evidence. With fewer test failures, you can trust test your results, so you can easily spot bugs and show developers what’s broken.
  • Free up your time so you can focus on higher value activities that help your increase test coverage, like automating even more tests!

Create tests in minutes

Architect is a deceptively simple test recorder. Anyone can create powerful automated tests in a matter of minutes. These tests include powerful features without any need to write code:

  • Automatically generate test data, such as emails, passwords, or text strings.
  • Test two factor authentication flows using working emails or mobile numbers.
  • Launch tests from anywhere, allowing you to test whether localization is working.
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All of our outbound integrations automatically send the Functionize shareable link. Anyone with this link can see the Functionize test in read-only mode to maximize transparency — no license required.

Learn More
Functionize and Xray
Functionize and TestRail
Functionize and Jenkins
Functionize and Heroku
Functionize and GitHub
Functionize and Bamboo
Functionize and TravisCI
Functionize and Spinnaker
Functionize and Slack
Functionize and Jira
Functionize and GitLab
Functionize and AWS CodePipeline
Functionize and CircleCI
Functionize and Pager Duty
Functionize and


Eliminate the time spent manually building reports from spreadsheets. Functionize provides a multitude of reports and dashboards so you share progress with your team:

  • Test health report
  • Browser health report
  • Performance metrics
  • PDF action log report

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Download Datasheet

AI-Powered Testing

Functionize is the industry’s most advanced enterprise AI-powered testing. We help teams break through testing barriers and enable organizations to release faster.

Learn how Functionize intelligent testing platform can help you:

  • Create AI-powered tests using Architect or plain English via natural language processing
  • Reduce test maintenance time by 85% with self-healing tests
  • Scale test execution and run cross-browser tests in parallel